DA0RR meets DX Hotel

A quick visit by DL2FCB, MM0NDX and MM0OKG to Carsten’s DM9EE DX Hotel to coincide with CQWW SSB contest was the perfect tonic! Carsten has a great QTH – an array of antennas and food – what more could one want?

We used the RRDXA callsign DA0RR during the contest. While we had no aspirations on breaking contest records, we still managed a respectable near 4M points, thanks mainly to 10 & 15m bands being in great shape.


Special thanks to Carsten for a flawless weekend of radio fun and RRDXA for allowing us to use DA0RR.


Editor note: Thanks to Col and Crew for activating DA0RR!

Infos how to use DA0RR ate here:  https://rrdxa.org/da0rr/


Helmut DF7EE


Updated: 12. November 2023 — 16:13