Schlagwort: MDXC D68CCC travel DX-pedition

J28MD Djibouti DX-Pedition

After two years of forced stop, the Mediterraneo Dx Club (MDXC) will be soon on air again with a new challenge. From 29th of October till the 7th of November 2022, a very skilled international team (IZ8CCW-IZ4UEZ-IZ3GNG-IZ2GNQ-YO8WW-AG4W-IK4QJF-DJ5IW-DL6LZM-DL8JJ-KO8SCA-DL8OBF-NG7M-IU8LMC) will be active from Djibouti as J28MD, with special focus on low bands and WARC. More on