Observations and experiences of DF6QV
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4-Square Antenna in theory and practice_03_04_15
A couple of years ago I became interested in 4-Square-antennas. It is an antenna
system which, as the name suggests, consists of 4 radiators, a coupler, phasinglines, as well as a radial or ground system.
The coupler is the core of the system. It distributes the output power to the radiators with proper amplitudes and phases.
This article will firstly discuss the components of this antenna system. Afterwards the influence of ground conditions and distance between the elements is shown. Different couplers will be analyzed using the simulation program LTSpice by Linear Technologies. The results, referring to the splitting of power, phasing and bandwidth are displayed in diagrams. Finally some photos hint at the practical construction of 4-square.
I’d like to express my thanks to DJ2YA for his competent support. My further thanks
go to the many Oms who have enabled me to gain these experiences.
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